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Installing Client - Python

The Junction client is on PyPi. This means all you need to do is:

pip install junction-python


Junction is fully compatible with the Requests library, just with a different import:

import junction.requests as requests

session = requests.Session()

The Junction client used by a session is also available on that session as a field, and can be used to inspect and debug configuration.

junction_client = session.junction

For more, see the full API reference.


Junction is fully compatible with the Urllib3 library, just with a different import:

from junction.urllib3 import PoolManager
http = PoolManager()
http.urlopen("GET", "http://jct-simple-app.default.svc.cluster.local:8008")

The Junction client used by each PoolManager is also available as a field and can be used to inspect and debug configuration.

junction_client = http.junction

For more, see the full API reference.

Direct use

Junction is generally intended to be used indirectly, though the interfaces that that match your HTTP client. However, using the Junction client directly can be useful to inspect and debug your configuration..

The junction module makes the default Junction client available for introspection, and individual Sessions and PoolManagers make their active clients available.

import junction

client = junction.default_client()

For more, see the full API reference.